About Us

Why Carpat Africa Tours ltd

Quality for us means

Quality assurance

  • Personalized services to our clients.
  • Promptly addressing any concern a client may have. We make our cell phones available along with emails for 24 hours a day
  • Truly caring for each and every client special needs
  • Always the same Driver / Guide for the entire Safari in each Country.
  • Fast enquiry response time to both agents and clients so as to conclude the safari booking and other services with the least time possible, time management is our major concern.
  • Respect and careful handling of our clients.

As Carpat Africa Tours Ltd, we believe that the future begins with an appreciation and an understanding of the past and with a clear vision for the future. Success in our business began with a clear picture of where we started and where we desire to be, which our winning vision is.


To provide tour and travel services that makes a difference to the travelers. To arrange for our clients tours with the best possible services and facilities to ensure our clients are left as happy as possible.


To be the providers of the best tour services and other services to our clients in terms of quality and value for money in the East and Central African Region.


Collaborative Care

  • High quality tour and travel services and other services for our clients versus cost containment.
  • Seek for improvements in both results and cost effectiveness of the services provided.
  • Linking clients with services they need more quickly.
  • Collaboration with clients and other service providers.

We have partnered and represented with safaribookings